Apr 8, 2009

At last! Brewers blogging without the ignorant right-wing parochial bullshit!

I reached my limit with A-hole's Ramblings tonight, after he called French workers "insane" for actually believing that their lives equal their work. This is typical for authoritarian-ass-kisser A-hole. He thinks people are the property of their employers. That's because he doesn't know any better, and so happily submits to being his employer's property and believes others should be just like him. In fact, that's one of his basic beliefs: Others should be just like me. But hence, I don't digress by saying, um ... PAROCHIAL!

I'm sure you want a decent Brewers blog, and I'm sure you're sick of reading this jerk's ignorant right-wing parochialism. So, starting today, we'll just copy all of his posts and his links, and let you come here instead. I'm sure free-marketeer A-hole won't mind.

Also, we'll comment on him as someone who typifies much of what is wrong with the uneducated, ignorant parochial right-wingers of the USA.