Apr 16, 2009

A-hole is a stupid ignorant brainwashed fuck, part 10007

A couple of typically dumb-as-dirt recent entries by A-hole:
Great Britain is afraid to even go after pirates...because they can claim refugee status. My goodness, Europe as a whole seems to be turning into France.
... If not for the US military, it seems everyone would just twiddle their thumbs and wish they could do something about extremely evil people plundering and pillaging. Simply astounding.
...Of course, if 1000 pirates go out, and 900 of them are killed, suddenly, it's not so appealing anymore. I suppose this may go against some, who would choose to sit down and reason with the terrorists...you know, please stop this, it's not proper, here have some tea.
... and ...
As the world ponders what exactly to do, the US Navy is the solution.
To make that old line work for today, if the US military didn't exist, the world would have to invent them.
... and ...
Thank goodness they did not declare refugee status, as the men and women of the US Navy was policing international waters and taking care of business.

First, note the incredibly stupid right-wing meme that non-right-wingers want to treat criminals like naughty schoolchildren: "some, who would choose to sit down and reason with the terrorists...you know, please stop this, it's not proper, here have some tea." Where do they get this? Talk radio, Fox news, and all the other dumb-as-dirt right-wingers they've met.
Next, note the de rigueur France-bashing, which is based on absolutely nothing at all except two facts: 1) The Nazis overwhelmed France and France surrendered; 2) France refused to go in lockstep with the USA when we illegally invaded and occupied Iraq based on lies told by the Bush Administration: "Europe as a whole seems to be turning into France." And what does THAT refer to? An unsubstantiated rumor about "Her Majesty's Government" started by a National Review propagandist, then quoted a hundred times by a hundred right-wing blogs; of course, for a criminal charged in one's own nation, all "refugee status" would do is prevent extradition -- IT WOULD NOT PREVENT TRIAL AND IMPRISONMENT, you stupid fucking right-wing dicks. And it doesn't matter anyway, because THE STORY ABOUT ENGLAND IS NOT TRUE.
But about France and the third point, "If not for the US military, it seems everyone would just twiddle their thumbs":
France has been particularly aggressive against pirates, spearheading European anti-piracy efforts in the Gulf of Aden. French special forces freed Le Ponant and another boat last year from pirates, and last week rescued a third.
During Ponant rescue, six pirates escaped and six others were brought to France where they are awaiting trial. Another six pirates are also awaiting trial from the other 2008 raid. In Friday's hostage rescue, two pirates and one French hostage were killed and three pirates were captured. Those three are now in custody in the French city of Rennes.
GET IT, YOU STUPID FUCK? You think everyone else is doing nothing because you KNOW nothing. But will A-hole give credit to the French forces? No -- duh!
Meanwhile, while creaming his pants about the US military, A-hole gets all philosophical about his fellow dumb-as-dirt right-wingers' latest public display of ignorance:
It's not often a bunch of fiscal conservatives get together and try to give some attention to their plight, feeling overtaxed and ignored. ...Many of those most upset are small business owners and the like; ... bringing attention to the problem can only be a good thing.
Get this through your head, dumbshit: The USA has spent THREE TRILLION DOLLARS on the freaking PENTAGON in the past SEVEN YEARS. Eisenhower warned against the military-industrial complex in 1960. Since then, we've budgeted close to FIFTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS for the freaking PENTAGON. And yet A-hole's only stated budget preference is that there be no cuts to the Pentagon!

They are perfectly brainwashed, and yet again, A-hole typifies them perfectly.